4656 Heaton Road

Columbus, OH 43229

(614) 433-7510

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Setting the Vision and Mission: Governing Board's Impact on School Direction

Our school governing board holds a significant position in ensuring effective governance and decision-making within our educational institution. Comprised of representatives from various stakeholders, the board plays a vital role in setting the school’s direction, developing policies, and monitoring performance. One of the primary responsibilities of the governing board is to establish the school’s vision, mission, and strategic goals. By defining a clear direction for the institution, the board sets the foundation for the entire school community, guiding decision-making and fostering a shared sense of purpose.

Policy development and approval are also crucial functions of the governing board. Policies serve as guidelines that govern various aspects of the school’s operations, including curriculum, student behavior, and staff conduct. The board ensures that these policies align with legal requirements, promote a safe and inclusive learning environment, and support the overall well-being and success of students. Additionally, the governing board monitors the performance of the school, both academically and financially. They review data, reports, and indicators to assess educational outcomes, financial stability, and compliance with regulations. This oversight helps identify areas of strength and areas in need of improvement, enabling the board to take appropriate actions to enhance the school’s performance.

In summary, our school governing board plays a vital role in shaping the direction, policies, and performance of our institution. Through their oversight and decision-making, the board ensures the school remains focused on its mission, operates in a responsible and compliant manner, and provides quality education for all students.


Andrew Parker
Jeanette Henson
Frances Fleming-Wansley
Kellen Showes
Danita Turner


  • August 22, 2023
  • October 24, 2023
  • January 23, 2024
  • February 27, 2024
  • April 23, 2024
  • May 28, 2024

2023-2024 Board Meeting Calendar – Every 3rd Tuesday at 5:30pm

Imagine Columbus Primary will hold a special board meeting on Wednesday, August 30th to discuss our sponsor required High Stakes Review.